package ca.uhn.hl7v2.preparser; import java.lang.reflect.* ; import java.util.* ; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.* ; /* The point of this class (all static members, not instantiatable) is to take a traditionally-encoded HL7 message and add all it's contents to a Properties object, via the parseMessage() method. The key-value pairs added to the Properties argument have keys that represent a datum's location in the message. (in the ZYX-1-2[0] style. TODO: define exactly.) See Datum, particularly the toString() of that class. Anyway, the Properties keys are those and the values are the tokens found. Note: we accept useless field repetition separators at the end of a field repetition sequence. i.e. |855-4545~555-3792~~~| , and interpret this as definining repetitions 0 and 1. This might not be allowed. (HL7 2.3.1 section 2.10 explicitly allows this behaviour for fields / components / subcomponents, but the allowance is notably absent for repetitions. TODO: nail down.) We allow it anyway. Also, we accept things like |855-4545~~555-3792|, and interpret it as defining repetitions 0 and 2. The spec would seem to disallow this too, but there's no harm. :D */ public class ER7 { private ER7() {} /** characters that delimit segments. for use with StringTokenizer. We are forgiving: HL7 2.3.1 section 2.7 says that carriage return ('\r') is the only segment delimiter. TODO: check other versions. */ static final String segmentSeparators = "\r\n\f"; /** Parses message and dumps contents to props, with keys in the ZYX[a]-b[c]-d-e style. */ public static boolean parseMessage(/*out*/ Properties props, /*in*/ Vector /**/ msgMask, /*in*/ String message) { boolean ok = false; if(message != null) { if(props == null) props = new Properties(); StringTokenizer messageTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(message, segmentSeparators); if(messageTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String firstSegment = messageTokenizer.nextToken(); EncodingCharacters encodingChars = new EncodingCharacters('0', "0000"); if(parseMSHSegmentWhole(props, msgMask, encodingChars, firstSegment)) { ok = true; TreeMap /* Integer>*/ segmentId2nextRepIdx = new TreeMap(); segmentId2nextRepIdx.put(new String("MSH"), new Integer(1)); // in case we find another MSH segment, heh. while(messageTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { parseSegmentWhole(props, segmentId2nextRepIdx, msgMask, encodingChars, messageTokenizer.nextToken()); } } } } return ok; } /** given segment, starting with "MSH", then encoding characters, etc... put MSH[0]-1[0]-1-1 (== MSH-1) and MSH[0]-2[0]-1-1 (== MSH-2) into props, if found, plus everything else found in 'segment' */ protected static boolean parseMSHSegmentWhole(/*out*/ Properties props, /*in*/ Vector /**/ msgMask, /*in*/ EncodingCharacters encodingChars, /*in*/ String segment) { boolean ret = false; try { ER7SegmentHandler handler = new ER7SegmentHandler(); handler.m_props = props; handler.m_encodingChars = encodingChars; handler.m_segmentId = "MSH"; handler.m_segmentRepIdx = 0; if(msgMask != null) handler.m_msgMask = msgMask; else { handler.m_msgMask = new Vector(); handler.m_msgMask.add(new DatumPath()); // everything will pass this // (every DatumPath startsWith the zero-length DatumPath) } encodingChars.setFieldSeparator(segment.charAt(3)); Vector /**/ nodeKey = new Vector(); nodeKey.add(new Integer(0)); handler.putDatum(nodeKey, String.valueOf(encodingChars.getFieldSeparator())); encodingChars.setComponentSeparator(segment.charAt(4)); encodingChars.setRepetitionSeparator(segment.charAt(5)); encodingChars.setEscapeCharacter(segment.charAt(6)); encodingChars.setSubcomponentSeparator(segment.charAt(7)); nodeKey.set(0, new Integer(1)); handler.putDatum(nodeKey, encodingChars.toString()); if(segment.charAt(8) == encodingChars.getFieldSeparator()) { ret = true; // now -- we recurse // through fields / field-repetitions / components / subcomponents. nodeKey.clear(); nodeKey.add(new Integer(2)); parseSegmentGuts(handler, segment.substring(9), nodeKey); } } catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {} catch(NullPointerException e) {} return ret; } /** pass in a whole segment (of type other than MSH), including message type at the start, according to encodingChars, and we'll parse the contents and put them in props. */ protected static void parseSegmentWhole(/*out*/ Properties props, /*in/out*/ Map /* Integer>*/ segmentId2nextRepIdx, /*in*/ Vector /**/ msgMask, /*in*/ EncodingCharacters encodingChars, /*in*/ String segment) { try { String segmentId = segment.substring(0, 3); int currentSegmentRepIdx = 0; if(segmentId2nextRepIdx.containsKey(segmentId)) currentSegmentRepIdx = ((Integer)segmentId2nextRepIdx.get(segmentId)).intValue(); else currentSegmentRepIdx = 0; segmentId2nextRepIdx.put(segmentId, new Integer(currentSegmentRepIdx+1)); // will only bother to parse this segment if any of it's contents will // be dumped to props. boolean parseThisSegment = false; DatumPath segmentIdAsDatumPath = (new DatumPath()).add(segmentId); for(Iterator maskIt = msgMask.iterator(); !parseThisSegment && maskIt.hasNext(); ) parseThisSegment = segmentIdAsDatumPath.startsWith((DatumPath)(; for(Iterator maskIt = msgMask.iterator(); !parseThisSegment && maskIt.hasNext(); ) parseThisSegment = ((DatumPath)(; if(parseThisSegment && (segment.charAt(3) == encodingChars.getFieldSeparator())) { ER7SegmentHandler handler = new ER7SegmentHandler(); handler.m_props = props; handler.m_encodingChars = encodingChars; handler.m_segmentId = segmentId; if(msgMask != null) handler.m_msgMask = msgMask; else { handler.m_msgMask = new Vector(); handler.m_msgMask.add(new DatumPath()); // everything will pass this // (every DatumPath startsWith the zero-length DatumPath) } handler.m_segmentRepIdx = currentSegmentRepIdx; Vector nodeKey = new Vector(); nodeKey.add(new Integer(0)); parseSegmentGuts(handler, segment.substring(4), nodeKey); } } catch(NullPointerException e) {} catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {} } static protected interface Handler { public int specDepth(); public char delim(int level); public void putDatum(Vector/**/ nodeKey, String value); } static protected class ER7SegmentHandler implements Handler { Properties m_props; EncodingCharacters m_encodingChars; String m_segmentId; int m_segmentRepIdx; Vector /**/ m_msgMask; public int specDepth() {return 4;} public char delim(int level) { if(level == 0) return m_encodingChars.getFieldSeparator(); else if(level == 1) return m_encodingChars.getRepetitionSeparator(); else if(level == 2) return m_encodingChars.getComponentSeparator(); else if(level == 3) return m_encodingChars.getSubcomponentSeparator(); else throw new java.lang.Error(); } public void putDatum(Vector /**/ valNodeKey, String value) { // make a DatumPath from valNodeKey and info in this: DatumPath valDatumPath = new DatumPath(); valDatumPath.add(m_segmentId).add(m_segmentRepIdx); for(int i=0; i*/ nodeKey) { char thisDepthsDelim = handler.delim(nodeKey.size()-1); //nodeKey.add(new Integer(0)); // will change nodeKey back before function exits StringTokenizer gutsTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(guts, String.valueOf(thisDepthsDelim), true); while(gutsTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String gutsToken = gutsTokenizer.nextToken(); if(gutsToken.charAt(0) == thisDepthsDelim) { // gutsToken is all delims -- skipping over as many fields or // components or whatevers as there are characters in the token: int oldvalue = ((Integer)nodeKey.get(nodeKey.size()-1)).intValue(); nodeKey.set(nodeKey.size()-1, new Integer(oldvalue + gutsToken.length())); } else { if(nodeKey.size() < handler.specDepth()) { nodeKey.add(new Integer(0)); parseSegmentGuts(handler, gutsToken, nodeKey); nodeKey.setSize(nodeKey.size()-1); } else handler.putDatum(nodeKey, gutsToken); } } //nodeKey.setSize(nodeKey.size()-1); // undoing add done at top of this func } public static void main(String args[]) { if(args.length >= 1) { //String message = "MSH|^~\\&||||foo|foo|foo"; System.out.println(args[0]); Properties props = new Properties(); Vector msgMask = new Vector(); msgMask.add(new DatumPath()); System.err.println("ER7.parseMessage returned " + parseMessage(props, msgMask, args[0])); props.list(System.out); } } }