package; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.PipeParser; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.conf.parser.ProfileParser; import*; import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.*; import*; /** * Test case for ProfileTestApplication -- note this requires checking logs so it * isn't self-verifying and isn't a JUnit test. * @author bryan */ public class ProfileTestApplicationCheck { /*public ProfileTestApplicationCheck(java.lang.String testName) { super(testName); } public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {; } public static Test suite() { TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(ProfileTestApplicationTest.class); return suite; }*/ public void testProcessMessage() throws Exception { ProfileTestApplication app = new ProfileTestApplication(); addProfileToStore(); app.processMessage(getTestMessage()); System.out.println("Note: profile exception messages should have been logged as per log4j setup"); } private void addProfileToStore() throws Exception { InputStream instream = ProfileParser.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("ca/uhn/hl7v2/conf/parser/example_ack.xml"); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(instream)); StringBuffer profile = new StringBuffer(); int i; while ((i = != -1) { profile.append( (char) i ); } in.close(); ProfileStoreFactory.getProfileStore().persistProfile("TestProfile", profile.toString()); } private Message getTestMessage() throws Exception { String message = "MSH|^~\\&|Fake Sending App|Fake Sending Facility||Fake Receiving Facility|200108151718||ACK^A01^ACK|20|P|2.4|||||||||TestProfile|\rMSA|AA\r"; PipeParser p = new PipeParser(); return p.parse(message); } public static void main(String args[]) { try { //System.setProperty("log4j.configuration", "c:/hapi/log4j.xml"); //System.out.println("log4j.configuration: " + System.getProperty("log4j.configuration")); ProfileTestApplicationCheck check = new ProfileTestApplicationCheck(); check.testProcessMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }