function updateUrl(urlParametersId) { if (history.replaceState) { var newParameters = document.getElementById(urlParametersId).value; var oldParameters = ""; var lastIndex = location.href.lastIndexOf("?"); if (lastIndex != -1) { oldParameters = location.href.substring(lastIndex + 1); if (oldParameters != newHref) { var newHref = location.href.substring(0, lastIndex + 1) + newParameters; history.replaceState({}, document.title, newHref); } } else { history.replaceState({}, document.title, location.href + "?" + newParameters); } } } var longLoadingTimer = null; var onAjaxStopFunctions = new Array(); var changedRichEditors = new Array(); var submittedFormForEditorCheck = null; /* * Add a function called each time ajax query is complete */ function addAjaxStopFunction(ajaxStopFunction) { onAjaxStopFunctions.push(ajaxStopFunction); } /* * Manage HTML status */ // show loading div function makeLongLoadingVisible() { resetStatusTimer(); document.getElementById('longLoadingImage').className = 'loading-visible'; document.getElementById('longLoadingBackground').className = 'loading-background'; } // hide loading div function makeLongLoadingInvisible() { resetStatusTimer(); document.getElementById("longLoadingImage").className = "loading-invisible"; document.getElementById("longLoadingBackground").className = "loading-invisible"; } // called by a4j:status on query start function gazelleStatusStart() { resetStatusTimer(); = 'progress'; longLoadingTimer = setTimeout("makeLongLoadingVisible();", 500); } // reset timer function resetStatusTimer() { if (longLoadingTimer != null) { clearTimeout(longLoadingTimer); longLoadingTimer = null; } } // calls all registered functions on ajax query complete function callAjaxStopFunctions() { for (i = 0; i < onAjaxStopFunctions.length; i++) { var ajaxStopFunction = onAjaxStopFunctions[i]; if (typeof (ajaxStopFunction) == 'function') { ajaxStopFunction(); } } } function gazelleStatusStopFuture(duration) { longLoadingTimer = setTimeout("gazelleStatusStop();", duration); } // called by a4j:status on query complete function gazelleStatusStop() { resetStatusTimer(); = 'default'; makeLongLoadingInvisible(); callAjaxStopFunctions(); } // called when body is loaded function gazelleBodyOnLoad(event) { gazelleStatusStop(); A4J.AJAX.AddListener({ onbeforeajax : function(formId, domEvt, options) { submittedFormForEditorCheck = formId + ":"; } }); } // called when body is unloaded function gazelleOnBeforeUnload(event) { var aRichEditorModified = false; for (i = 0; i < changedRichEditors.length; i++) { var editor = changedRichEditors[i]; if (editor && editor.getDoc() && editor.isDirty()) { aRichEditorModified = true; } } if (aRichEditorModified) { gazelleStatusStop(); return 'The form has changed. Your changes will ' + 'be lost if you press leave this page.'; } } // called when a rich editor is "saved" // we check that it matches submitted form // then the editor is removed from modified editors function richEditorSaved(editorId, html, body) { var idx = -1; if (submittedFormForEditorCheck != null) { if (editorId.startsWith(submittedFormForEditorCheck)) { for (i = 0; i < changedRichEditors.length; i++) { var editor = changedRichEditors[i]; if (editor && editor.editorId == editorId) { idx = i; } } } } if (idx != -1) changedRichEditors.splice(idx, 1); return html; } // called when a rich editor is changed // keeps track of all changed editors function richEditorChanged(editor) { if (changedRichEditors.indexOf(editor) == -1) { changedRichEditors.push(editor); } } /* * Tool functions */ // Add a function to be called when body is loaded function gazelleAddToBodyOnLoad(newOnLoadFunction) { var existingOnload = window.onload; window.onload = function(oEvent) { if (!oEvent) { oEvent = event; } try { newOnLoadFunction(oEvent); } catch (ex) { // Fail silently. } if (existingOnload) { return existingOnload(oEvent); } } } // Add a function to be called before body is unloaded function gazelleAddToBodyOnBeforeUnload(newOnBeforeUnloadFunction) { var existingOnBeforeUnload = window.onbeforeunload; window.onbeforeunload = function(oEvent) { if (!oEvent) { oEvent = event; } var result = null; try { result = newOnBeforeUnloadFunction(oEvent); if (result != null) { return result; } } catch (ex) { // Fail silently. } if (existingOnBeforeUnload) { return existingOnBeforeUnload(oEvent); } } } gazelleAddToBodyOnLoad(gazelleBodyOnLoad); gazelleAddToBodyOnBeforeUnload(gazelleOnBeforeUnload);