package; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import org.dcm4che2.util.CloseUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import*; /** * @author gunter zeilinger( * @version $Revision: 11916 $ $Date: 2009-07-10 10:03:03 +0200 (Fri, 10 Jul * 2009) $ * @since Nov 25, 2005 */ class ProxyPDUDecoder extends PDVInputStream { private static final int DEF_PDU_LEN = 0x4000; // 16KB private static final int MAX_PDU_LEN = 0x1000000; // 16MB static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProxyPDUDecoder.class); private final ProxyAssociation as; private final InputStream in; private final Thread th; private byte[] buf = new byte[6 + DEF_PDU_LEN]; private int pos; private int pdutype; private int pdulen; private int pcid = -1; private int pdvmch; private int pdvend; public ProxyPDUDecoder(ProxyAssociation as, InputStream in) { = as; = in; = Thread.currentThread(); } private void readFully(int off, int len) throws IOException { int n = 0; while (n < len) { int count =, off + n, len - n); if (count < 0) { throw new EOFException(); } n += count; } } private int remaining() { return pdulen + 6 - pos; } private boolean hasRemaining() { return pos < pdulen + 6; } int get() { if (!hasRemaining()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } return buf[pos++] & 0xFF; } void get(byte[] b, int off, int len) { if (len > remaining()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } System.arraycopy(buf, pos, b, off, len); pos += len; } void skip(int len) { if (len > remaining()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } pos += len; } private int getUnsignedShort() { return (get() << 8) | get(); } private int getInt() { return (get() << 24) | (get() << 16) | (get() << 8) | get(); } public void nextPDU() throws IOException { log.debug("{} waiting for PDU", as); if (th != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Entered by wrong thread"); } readFully(0, 10); pos = 0; pdutype = get(); get(); pdulen = getInt(); if (pdutype < PDUType.A_ASSOCIATE_RQ || pdutype > PDUType.A_ABORT) { log.warn(as.toString() + " >> unrecognized PDU[type=" + pdutype + ", len=" + (pdulen & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + "]"); throw new AAbort(AAbort.UL_SERIVE_PROVIDER, AAbort.UNRECOGNIZED_PDU); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(as.toString() + " >> PDU[type=" + pdutype + ", len=" + (pdulen & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + "]"); } if (pdutype == PDUType.A_ASSOCIATE_RJ || pdutype == PDUType.A_RELEASE_RQ || pdutype == PDUType.A_RELEASE_RP || pdutype == PDUType.A_ABORT) { if (pdulen != 4) { log.warn(as.toString() + ": Invalid length of PDU[type=" + pdutype + "len=" + (pdulen & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + "]"); throw new AAbort(AAbort.UL_SERIVE_PROVIDER, AAbort.INVALID_PDU_PARAMETER_VALUE); } switch (pdutype) { case PDUType.A_ASSOCIATE_RJ: get(); as.receivedAssociateRJ(new AAssociateRJ(get(), get(), get())); break; case PDUType.A_RELEASE_RQ: as.receivedReleaseRQ(); break; case PDUType.A_RELEASE_RP: as.receivedReleaseRP(); break; case PDUType.A_ABORT: get(); get(); as.receivedAbort(new AAbort(get(), get())); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected pdutype:" + pdutype); } } else { if (pdulen < 0 || pdulen > MAX_PDU_LEN) { log.warn(as.toString() + ": Length of PDU[type=" + pdutype + "[len=" + (pdulen & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + "] exceeds " + MAX_PDU_LEN + " limit"); log.warn(as.toString() + ": Length of PDU[type=" + pdutype + "[len=" + (pdulen & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + "] exceeds " + MAX_PDU_LEN + " limit"); throw new AAbort(AAbort.UL_SERIVE_PROVIDER, AAbort.INVALID_PDU_PARAMETER_VALUE); } if (6 + pdulen > buf.length) { byte[] tmp = new byte[6 + pdulen]; System.arraycopy(buf, 0, tmp, 0, 10); buf = tmp; } readFully(10, pdulen - 4); switch (pdutype) { case PDUType.A_ASSOCIATE_RQ: as.receivedAssociateRQ((AAssociateRQ) decode(new AAssociateRQ())); break; case PDUType.A_ASSOCIATE_AC: as.receivedAssociateAC((AAssociateAC) decode(new AAssociateAC())); break; case PDUType.P_DATA_TF: log.debug("{} >> P-DATA_TF[len={}]", as, Integer.valueOf(pdulen)); as.receivedPDataTF(); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected pdutype:" + pdutype); } } } private byte[] decodeBytes() { return decodeBytes(getUnsignedShort()); } private byte[] decodeBytes(int len) { byte[] bs = new byte[len]; get(bs, 0, len); return bs; } private AAssociateRQAC decode(AAssociateRQAC rqac) throws IOException { try { rqac.setProtocolVersion(getUnsignedShort()); get(); get(); rqac.setCalledAET(decodeASCIIString(16).trim()); rqac.setCallingAET(decodeASCIIString(16).trim()); rqac.setReservedBytes(decodeBytes(32)); while (pos < pdulen) { decodeItem(rqac); } if (pos != pdulen + 6) { log.warn(as.toString() + ": Invalid length of PDU[type=" + pdutype + ", len=" + (pdulen & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + "]"); throw new AAbort(AAbort.UL_SERIVE_PROVIDER, AAbort.INVALID_PDU_PARAMETER_VALUE); } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { log.warn(as.toString() + ": Invalid length of PDU[type=" + pdutype + ", len=" + (pdulen & 0xFFFFFFFFL) + "]"); throw new AAbort(AAbort.UL_SERIVE_PROVIDER, AAbort.INVALID_PDU_PARAMETER_VALUE); } return rqac; } private String decodeASCIIString() { return decodeASCIIString(getUnsignedShort()); } private String decodeASCIIString(int len) { try { if (pos + len > pdulen + 6) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } String s; // Skip illegal trailing NULL int len0 = len; while (len0 > 0 && buf[pos + len0 - 1] == 0) { len0--; } s = new String(buf, pos, len0, "US-ASCII"); pos += len; return s; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RuntimeException("unreachable; US-ASCII is always available", e); } } private void decodeItem(AAssociateRQAC rqac) throws AAbort { int itemType = get(); get(); // skip reserved byte int itemLength = getUnsignedShort(); switch (itemType) { case ItemType.APP_CONTEXT: rqac.setApplicationContext(decodeASCIIString(itemLength)); break; case ItemType.RQ_PRES_CONTEXT: case ItemType.AC_PRES_CONTEXT: rqac.addPresentationContext(decodePC(itemLength)); break; case ItemType.USER_INFO: decodeUserInfo(itemLength, rqac); break; default: skip(itemLength); } } private PresentationContext decodePC(int itemLength) { PresentationContext pc = new PresentationContext(); pc.setPCID(get()); get(); // skip reserved byte pc.setResult(get() & 0xff); get(); // skip reserved byte int endpos = pos + itemLength - 4; while (pos < endpos) { decodePCSubItem(pc); } return pc; } private void decodePCSubItem(PresentationContext pc) { int itemType = get() & 0xff; get(); // skip reserved byte int itemLength = getUnsignedShort(); switch (itemType) { case ItemType.ABSTRACT_SYNTAX: pc.setAbstractSyntax(decodeASCIIString(itemLength)); break; case ItemType.TRANSFER_SYNTAX: pc.addTransferSyntax(decodeASCIIString(itemLength)); break; default: skip(itemLength); } } private void decodeUserInfo(int itemLength, AAssociateRQAC rqac) throws AAbort { int endpos = pos + itemLength; while (pos < endpos) { decodeUserInfoSubItem(rqac); } } private void decodeUserInfoSubItem(AAssociateRQAC rqac) throws AAbort { int itemType = get(); get(); // skip reserved byte int itemLength = getUnsignedShort(); switch (itemType) { case ItemType.MAX_PDU_LENGTH: rqac.setMaxPDULength(getInt()); break; case ItemType.IMPL_CLASS_UID: rqac.setImplClassUID(decodeASCIIString(itemLength)); break; case ItemType.ASYNC_OPS_WINDOW: rqac.setMaxOpsInvoked(getUnsignedShort()); rqac.setMaxOpsPerformed(getUnsignedShort()); break; case ItemType.ROLE_SELECTION: rqac.addRoleSelection(decodeRoleSelection(itemLength)); break; case ItemType.IMPL_VERSION_NAME: rqac.setImplVersionName(decodeASCIIString(itemLength)); break; case ItemType.EXT_NEG: rqac.addExtendedNegotiation(decodeExtendedNegotiation(itemLength)); break; case ItemType.COMMON_EXT_NEG: rqac.addCommonExtendedNegotiation(decodeCommonExtendedNegotiation(itemLength)); break; case ItemType.RQ_USER_IDENTITY: case ItemType.AC_USER_IDENTITY: if (rqac instanceof AAssociateRQ) { ((AAssociateRQ) rqac).setUserIdentity(decodeUserIdentityRQ(itemLength)); } else { ((AAssociateAC) rqac).setUserIdentity(decodeUserIdentityAC(itemLength)); } break; default: skip(itemLength); } } private RoleSelection decodeRoleSelection(int itemLength) { RoleSelection rs = new RoleSelection(); rs.setSOPClassUID(decodeASCIIString()); rs.setSCU(get() != 0); rs.setSCP(get() != 0); return rs; } private ExtendedNegotiation decodeExtendedNegotiation(int itemLength) { ExtendedNegotiation extNeg = new ExtendedNegotiation(); int uidLength = getUnsignedShort(); extNeg.setSOPClassUID(decodeASCIIString(uidLength)); extNeg.setInformation(decodeBytes(itemLength - uidLength - 2)); return extNeg; } private CommonExtendedNegotiation decodeCommonExtendedNegotiation(int itemLength) throws AAbort { int endPos = pos + itemLength; CommonExtendedNegotiation extNeg = new CommonExtendedNegotiation(); extNeg.setSOPClassUID(decodeASCIIString(getUnsignedShort())); extNeg.setServiceClassUID(decodeASCIIString(getUnsignedShort())); decodeRelatedGeneralSOPClassUIDs(getUnsignedShort(), extNeg); if (pos != endPos) { log.warn(as.toString() + ": Mismatch of encoded (" + itemLength + ") with actual (" + (itemLength + pos - itemLength) + ") Common Extended Negotiation item length"); throw new AAbort(AAbort.UL_SERIVE_PROVIDER, AAbort.INVALID_PDU_PARAMETER_VALUE); } return extNeg; } private void decodeRelatedGeneralSOPClassUIDs(int totlen, CommonExtendedNegotiation extNeg) { int endPos = pos + totlen; while (pos < endPos) { extNeg.addRelatedGeneralSOPClassUID(decodeASCIIString()); } } private UserIdentityRQ decodeUserIdentityRQ(int itemLength) throws AAbort { int endPos = pos + itemLength; UserIdentityRQ user = new UserIdentityRQ(); user.setUserIdentityType(get() & 0xff); user.setPositiveResponseRequested(get() != 0); user.setPrimaryField(decodeBytes()); user.setSecondaryField(decodeBytes()); if (pos != endPos) { log.warn(as.toString() + ": Mismatch of encoded (" + itemLength + ") with actual (" + (itemLength + pos - itemLength) + ") User Identity item length"); throw new AAbort(AAbort.UL_SERIVE_PROVIDER, AAbort.INVALID_PDU_PARAMETER_VALUE); } return user; } private UserIdentityAC decodeUserIdentityAC(int itemLength) throws AAbort { int endPos = pos + itemLength; UserIdentityAC user = new UserIdentityAC(); user.setServerResponse(decodeBytes()); if (pos != endPos) { log.warn(as.toString() + ": Mismatch of encoded (" + itemLength + ") with actual (" + (itemLength + pos - itemLength) + ") User Identity item length"); throw new AAbort(AAbort.UL_SERIVE_PROVIDER, AAbort.INVALID_PDU_PARAMETER_VALUE); } return user; } public void decodeDIMSE() throws IOException { if (th != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Entered by wrong thread"); } if (pcid != -1) { return; // already inside decodeDIMSE } nextPDV(PDVType.COMMAND, -1); PresentationContext pc = as.getAssociateAC().getPresentationContext(pcid); String tsuid = pc.getTransferSyntax(); DicomObject cmd = readDicomObject(TransferSyntax.ImplicitVRLittleEndian); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { + " >> " + CommandUtils.toString(cmd, pcid, tsuid)); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Command:\n" + cmd); } if (CommandUtils.hasDataset(cmd)) { nextPDV(PDVType.DATA, pcid); if (CommandUtils.isResponse(cmd)) { DicomObject data = readDicomObject(TransferSyntax.valueOf(tsuid)); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Dataset:\n" + data); } as.onDimseRSP(cmd, data); } else { as.onDimseRQ(pcid, cmd, this, tsuid); long skipped = skipAll(); if (log.isDebugEnabled() && skipped > 0) { log.debug(as.toString() + ": Service User did not consume " + skipped + " bytes of DIMSE data."); } } } else { if (CommandUtils.isResponse(cmd)) { as.onDimseRSP(cmd, null); } else { as.onDimseRQ(pcid, cmd, null, null); } } pcid = -1; } @Override public DicomObject readDataset() throws IOException { PresentationContext pc = as.getAssociateAC().getPresentationContext(pcid); String tsuid = pc.getTransferSyntax(); return readDicomObject(TransferSyntax.valueOf(tsuid)); } private DicomObject readDicomObject(TransferSyntax ts) throws IOException { DicomObject dcm = new BasicDicomObject(); DicomInputStream din = new DicomInputStream(this, ts); try { din.readDicomObject(dcm, -1); } catch (DicomCodingException e) { log.warn(as.toString() + ": Failed to decode dicom object: " + e.getMessage()); throw new AAbort(); } finally { CloseUtils.safeClose(din); } return dcm; } private void nextPDV(int command, int pcid1) throws IOException { if (!hasRemaining()) { nextPDU(); if (pdutype != PDUType.P_DATA_TF) { log.warn(as.toString() + ": Expected P-DATA-TF but received PDU[type=" + pdutype + ", len=" + pdulen + "]"); throw new AAbort(); } } if (remaining() < 6) { log.warn(as.toString() + ": PDV does not fit in remaining " + remaining() + " bytes of P-DATA_TF[len=" + pdulen + "]"); throw new AAbort(); } int pdvlen = getInt(); this.pdvend = pos + pdvlen; if (pdvlen < 2 || pdvlen > remaining()) { log.warn(as.toString() + ": Invalid PDV item length: " + pdvlen); throw new AAbort(); } this.pcid = get(); this.pdvmch = get(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(as.toString() + " >> PDV[len = " + pdvlen + ", pcid = " + pcid + ", mch = " + pdvmch + "]"); } if ((pdvmch & PDVType.COMMAND) != command) { log.warn(as.toString() + (command == 0 ? ": Expected Data but received Command PDV" : ": Expected Command but received Data PDV")); throw new AAbort(); } if (pcid1 != -1 && pcid != pcid1) { log.warn(as.toString() + ": Expected PDV with pcid: " + pcid1 + " but received with pcid: " + pcid); throw new AAbort(); } } private boolean isEOF() throws IOException { while (pos == pdvend) { if ((pdvmch & PDVType.LAST) != 0) { return true; } try { nextPDV(pdvmch & PDVType.COMMAND, pcid); } catch (AAbort e) { as.abort(e); // send abort before exit of read, skip, close throw e; } } return false; } @Override public int read() throws IOException { if (th != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Entered by wrong thread"); } if (isEOF()) { return -1; } return get(); } @Override public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if (th != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Entered by wrong thread"); } if (isEOF()) { return -1; } int read = Math.min(len, pdvend - pos); get(b, off, read); return read; } @Override public final int available() { return pdvend - pos; } @Override public long skip(long n) throws IOException { if (th != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Entered by wrong thread"); } if (n <= 0 || isEOF()) { return 0; } int skipped = (int) Math.min(n, pdvend - pos); skip(skipped); return skipped; } @Override public void close() throws IOException { if (th != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Entered by wrong thread"); } skipAll(); } @Override public long skipAll() throws IOException { if (th != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Entered by wrong thread"); } long n = 0; while (!isEOF()) { n += pdvend - pos; pos = pdvend; } return n; } @Override public void copyTo(OutputStream out, int length) throws IOException { if (th != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Entered by wrong thread"); } int remaining = length; while (remaining > 0) { if (isEOF()) { throw new EOFException("remaining: " + remaining); } int read = Math.min(remaining, pdvend - pos); out.write(buf, pos, read); remaining -= read; pos += read; } } @Override public void copyTo(OutputStream out) throws IOException { if (th != Thread.currentThread()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Entered by wrong thread"); } while (!isEOF()) { out.write(buf, pos, pdvend - pos); pos = pdvend; } } }