xs3p - Version 1.1.5 ==================== xs3p is a schema documentation generator. It is an XSLT stylesheet that will output an XHTML document from an XSD schema. Aside from using as much W3C acronyms as possible, the tool makes schemas more readable by providing a view of schema components' constraints as a sample XML instance, links that allow the user to jump to the documentation of schema components that are referenced, and a whole host of neat features. However, most important of all, it makes your schemas look 'pretty in pink'. The latest documentation for xs3p is maintained on the FiForms documentation wiki at: http://wiki.fiforms.org/index.php/Xs3p Please refer to this site for complete documentation and usage information. You can always download the latest version of xs3p from the XS3P website: http://xml.fiforms.org/xs3p/ or for SourceForge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xs3p/ In order to use xs3p, you will need an XSLT processor, such as XALAN, Saxon, MSXML, or xsltproc.