DCM4CHEE was installed and configured to support the use case Sharing Imaging Report. This use case is derived from the IHE profile XDS-I.b which allows to retrieve and to share dicom instances between systems.
This picture describe the difference between the two profiles. DCM4CHEE is part of the Imaging repository actor in the sharing image report use case. It allow to respond to the transaction RAD-69 and RAD-55, from the imaging information consumer actor.
The components of dcm4chee work together to provide a reference implementation of many IHE actors and Integration Profiles, and this system is capable of and indeed is deployed in production at many sites around the world. It is developed in Java, only utilizing C/C++ for the compression libraries
dcm4chee has been deployed on several different operating system platforms:
Six different databases are supported for deployment with the system:
Multiple components exists on the tool dcm4chee, however few are used for KSA testing.
The components used from DCM4CHEE are :
To support XDS-I.b profile, a new components was added to dcm4chee, which is RAD-69 response capability. A webservice endpoint was integrated into dcm4chee to respond to the requests from the transaction RAD-69.
To access to the web service of the RAD-69 transaction, you shall go to the jbossws interface : http://k-project.ihe-europe.net:8380/jbossws/services.
The wsdl deployed is dcm4chee-xdsib-ws (exp : http://ovh4.ihe-europe.net:8380/dcm4chee-xdsib-ws?wsdl )