IHE XDS-I.b RAD-68 - response 1.00 net.ihe.gazelle.ihexds.validator.ihexdserror.IHEXDSERRORPackValidator net.ihe.gazelle.ihexds.validator.pnrerror.PNRERRORPackValidator RS_NAMESPACE REGISTRY_RESPONSE RAD XDS-I.b V3, 4.68 false false false false false RAD-68 RAD-68 Provide and Register Imaging Document Set - MTOM/XOP IHE (XDS-I.b) IHE_XDS-I.b IHE_XDS-I.b RAD-68 RAD-68 Provide and Register Imaging Document Set - MTOM/XOP RAD-69 RAD-69 Retrieve Imaging Document Set RAD-55 RAD-55 WADO Retrieve Provide and Register Imaging Document Set - MTOM/XOP