<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%> This site describes the available web services offered by NIST to support testing of HL7 V2 applications. The services include message validation, a profile repository, and profile validation. There are two interfaces to the message validation services; one supports the gazelle interface, the second is a generic interface. The web services provide the user with remote APIs that can be integrated into their testing environments. The message validation service is also offered through a web application (see http://xreg2.nist.gov:8080/HL7Web). At the web application site, the user can select a profile, load a message, validate, and view the results through a graphical interface.

The services provided at this web site is a by-product of the NIST HL7 V2 testing toolkit. The testing toolkit contains a core set of services that include message generation, message validation, profile validation, encoding transformations, and a test system. The underlying testing tools are based on the concept of conformance profiles. The package is written in Java and can be delivered as a set of Java APIs, applications built on top of the APIs, web services, or web applications.

Click on the Services tab above to view the list of web services.

This web site is developed and maintained by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).