
Gazelle: #{applicationPreferenceManager.getApplicationName()}



IHE - Integrating the Heathcare Enterprise

Changing the way healthcare connects...


#{messages['gazelle.common.application.about.version']} : ${applicationManagerBean.getApplicationVersion()}

#{messages['gazelle.common.application.about.releaseDate']} : ${applicationManagerBean.getApplicationReleaseDate()} (${applicationPreferenceManager.getApplicationTimeZone()})

#{messages['gazelle.common.application.about.releaseNotes']} : ${applicationPreferenceManager.getApplicationGazelleReleaseNotesUrl()}

#{messages['gazelle.common.application.about.developedBy']} : INRIA (Rennes, France) and MIR (Saint Louis, USA)




IHE - Integrating the Heathcare Enterprise

Changing the way healthcare connects...


/!\ This feature is currently under development. Thank you for understanding...

Please email questions to the IHE NA Connectathon Managers (Steve Moore, Lynn Felhofer), and we will guide you through the process.



IHE - Integrating the Heathcare Enterprise

Changing the way healthcare connects...


Please email questions to the IHE NA Connectathon Managers (Steve Moore, Lynn Felhofer), and we will guide you through the process.
