#A4# #AAA_UserName (non admin)# ## ## ## ## #Add AAA_VendorName# #...# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #Update password# ## ## ## #Check login failure (wrong password)# ## ## ## #Check login success (with the new password)# ## ## ## ## ## ## #Check login failure (account not activated yet)# ## ## ## ## ## #User AAA_AdminUser (user admin)# #Gazelle Admin# ## ## ## #Add AAA_TFEditorName# ## ## ## #Add a system (AAA_PACS, keyword 1, version 1.2.3)# ## ## ## #Add a system (AAA_ADT, keyword 2, version 1.2)# ## ## ## #Add AAA_UserName2# ## ## ## #Unlock account# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #Check login success# ## ## ## #Check login success# ## ## ## #Activate account for AAC_AdminUserName# #Activate account for AAA_AdminUserName# #Create account (AAC_AdminUserName)# ## #Launch testNG tests# ## #Create account (AAA_InstitName + AAA_AdminUserName)# ## ## #Create account (AAB_InstitName + AAB_AdminUserName)# #Create account (AAC_InstitName)# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #Check login failure (account not actived yet)# ## ## ## #Add an HL7 Conformance Statement URL# #Add a DICOM Conformance Statement URL# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #User AAC_AdminUser (user admin)# #User AAB_AdminUser (user admin)# #Add a Profile/Actor PA1# ## ## ## #Add a Profile/Actor PA3# #Remove Profile/Actor PA1# ## ## ## ## ## ## #Add a Profile/Actor PA2# ## ## ## ## ## ## #Home Page# #Registration Page# #List of Registered Systems Page# #Configuration Page# #Pre-Connectathon Testing Page# #Monitors Page# #Connectathon Testing Page# ## #Connectathon Results Page# #Tests Definitions Management Page# #Financial Page# #TF Page# #Manage Users Page# #Manage Systems Page# #Manage Companies Page# #Manage Contacts Page# #Manage Demonstrations Page# #Manage Host Configurations Page# #Manage Invoices Page# #Manage Sessions Page# #Manage Systems Configurations Page# #Manage Tests Definition Page# #Open page# ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #Add AAA_UserName# #Add an HL7 Conformance Statement URL# #Update the HL7 Conformance Statement by uploading a document# ## ## #Add a system (AAA_ADT2)# #Check the registration is possible, despite a system already being registered with the same name but other version# #Add a system (AAA_PACS, keyword 2, version 1.2.4# #Add an Actor/Profile# ## ## ## ## ## ## #Add a DICOM Conformance Statement URL# ## ## ## ## ## ## #Update the DICOM Conformance Statement by uploading a document# ## ## ## ## ## ## #Add a system (AAA_PACS, keyword 3, version 1.2.3)# ## ## ## ## ## ## #Check the registration is not possible (a system with the same name and version is already registered. The user must modified one of them for the system he wants to create).# ## ## ## ## ## ##