This READ ME file will try to explain and detail the content of this directory. This directory contains files : ------------------- --- audited_dump-gazelle.sql (existing and generated ONLY IF you executed script gmm_test_sync_using_diff.csh from this directory. This generated file is notified as SVN:ignore) This file is used to check that the sync (of GMM data) between Gazelle and GMM is well done. This file contains the dump of the audited tables (but not the _aud tables) on the Gazelle side (so CLIENT side) ------------------- --- audited_dump-gmm.sql (existing and generated ONLY IF you executed script gmm_test_sync_using_diff.csh from this directory. This generated file is notified as SVN:ignore) This file is used to check that the sync (of GMM data) between Gazelle and GMM is well done. This file contains the dump of the audited tables (but not the _aud tables) on the GMM side (so SERVER side) ------------------- --- gmm_migration-generated_insertions.sql This file contains the INSERTIONS lines to run to initialize all the _aud tables (CLIENT or SERVER side) This file is GENERATED by the gmm_migration-script_to_generate_insertions.sql script. ------------------- --- gmm_migration-script_to_generate_insertions.sql This file contains the SQL script to generate the file gmm_migration-generated_insertions.sql. ------------------- --- gmm_samples_migration_for_audit_data.sql This script is used to initialize the audited data (in the _aud tables) for Samples section (objects) into GMM This script has been done because in June 2010, Samples were not audited. We decided to audit them. None SAMPLES data were existing in the GMM DB. So we needed to import the samples objects and to initialize the _aud tables of the new Samples objects) ------------------- --- gmm_test_sync_using_diff.csh This script is used to compare DB contents of Gazelle and GMM and check that all audited entries (NOT _aud) are up-to-date between Gazelle and GMM. Here is the process of this script when you execute it : 1. This script generates a file (audited_dump-gazelle.txt) containing the audited data (not in the _aud tables) inside Gazelle 2. This script generates a file (audited_dump-gmm.txt) containing the audited data (not in the _aud tables) inside GMM 3. This script compares the contents of those 2 generated files and display the difference within the console Before executing, please read those recommendations : - Set the variables of the Gazelle (CLIENT) and of the GMM (SERVER) accordingly - You can execute it from anywhere if you set the hosts correctly. ------------------- --- read_me_to_understand_gmm_directory.txt This is this file !