Error: sub-element 'value' is constrained to data type $type
type of sub-element 'value' is correctly set to $type
Error: only one sub-element '$element' is allowed here
There is only one instance of sub-element '$element'
Error: only one 'value' sub-element is allowed here
Success: There is only one 'value' sub-element for $element
Error: $element must be omitted
$element is omitted
Error: responsePriorityCode must be equal to 'I'
responsePriorityCode is equal to 'I'
Error: responseModalityCode must be equal to 'R'
responseModalityCode is equal to 'R'
Error: statusCode must be equal to 'new'
statusCode is equal to 'new'
Error: exactly one sub-element 'responseModalityCode' must be present here
exactly one sub-element 'responseModalityCode' is present here
Error: exactly one sub-element 'responsePriorityCode' must be present here
exactly one sub-element 'responsePriorityCode' is present here
Error: minimumDegreeMatch.value must be between 0 and 100
minimumDegreeMatch.value is set between 0 and 100
Error: when no patient ID is provided, both patient name and birth time must be specified
Patient ID is not provided but both patient name and birth are specified
Error: must be omitted is omitted
Error: patientStatusCode must be omitted
patientStatusCode is omitted
Error: livingSubjectDeceaseTime must be omitted
livingSubjectDeceaseTime must be omitted
Error: otherIDsScopingOrganization must be omitted
otherIDsScopingOrganization is omitted
Error: sub-element 'semanticsText' must be present here
sub-element 'semanticsText' is present here
Error: attribute 'use' should not be set to 'SRCH'
attribute 'use' is not set to 'SRCH'
Error: exactly one 'authorOrPerformer' sub-element must be present here
exactly one 'authorOrPerformer' sub-element is present here
Error: exactly one 'id' sub-element must be present here
exactly one 'id' sub-element is present here
Error: $name must be specified in the attribute '@root' of the sub-element 'id'
$name is specified in the attribute '@root' of the sub-element 'id'
Error: only attribute 'root' is allowed in the sub-element 'id'
'root' is the only attribute in the sub-element 'id'