jboss.home not set
jboss.home not set
jboss.home not set
jboss.home not set
All available targets :
ant -Dprofile=dev -Dapplication="LBLLBSimulator" deploy : compile the code, create the ear and copy the ear to the jboss server
ant -Dprofile=dev -Dapplication="LBLLBSimulator" : compile the code and deploy on dev release
ant -Dprofile=prod -Dapplication="LBLLBSimulator" stage : compile the code and deploy on prod release
ant jar -Dapplication="LBLLBSimulator" : create the correspondant jar file
ant war -Dapplication="LBLLBSimulator" : create the war file
ant ear -Dapplication="LBLLBSimulator" : create the ear file
ant stage -Dapplication="LBLLBSimulator" : create the ear, the jar and the war
ant undeploy -Dapplication="LBLLBSimulator": undeploy the project from the server
ant clean -Dapplication="LBLLBSimulator" : delete generated file and jars
ant javadoc -Dapplication="LBLLBSimulator" : generate the javadoc
ant zipcode -Dapplication="LBLLBSimulator" : create a zip file from the code of the project
ant zipdoc -Dapplication="LBLLBSimulator" : create a zip file from the documentation of the project