Error : The element soap:Body shall contain a child element named epr:AddPolicyRequest or epr:DeletePolicyRequest or epr:UpdatePolicyRequest or xacml-samlp:XACMLPolicyQuery Success : The element soap:Body shall contain a child element named epr:AddPolicyRequest or epr:DeletePolicyRequest or epr:UpdatePolicyRequest or xacml-samlp:XACMLPolicyQuery Error : The element epr:AddPolicyRequest shall have exactly one child element named saml:Assertion Success : The element epr:AddPolicyRequest shall have exactly one child element named saml:Assertion Error : The saml:Assertion element shall have 2 child elements, meaning exactly one saml:Issuer element (for identifying the home community ID of the Authorization Decision Provider community encoded as a URN) and exactly one saml:Statement element to convey the XACML Policy (-ies) or Policy Sets to be added Success : The saml:Assertion element shall have 2 child elements, meaning exactly one saml:Issuer element (for identifying the home community ID of the Authorization Decision Provider community encoded as a URN) and exactly one saml:Statement element to convey the XACML Policy (-ies) or Policy Sets to be added Error : The element saml:Issuer shall contain an attribure named NameQualifier with value equal to urn:e-health-suisse:community-index Success : The element saml:Issuer shall contain an attribure named NameQualifier with value equal to urn:e-health-suisse:community-index Error : The element saml:Issuer shall contain the home community ID of the Authorization Decision Provider community encoded as an URN Success : The element saml:Issuer shall contain the home community ID of the Authorization Decision Provider community encoded as an URN Error : The element saml:Statement shall have either one (or more) non-empty xacml:Policy child element (s) or one (or more) non-empty xacml:PolicySet child element (s) in order to convey the XACML Policy (-ies) or Policy Sets to be added Success : The element saml:Statement shall have either one (or more) non-empty xacml:Policy child element (s) or one (or more) non-empty xacml:PolicySet child element (s) in order to convey the XACML Policy (-ies) or Policy Sets to be added Error : The element epr:UpdatePolicyRequest shall have exactly one child element named saml:Assertion Success : The element epr:UpdatePolicyRequest shall have exactly one child element named saml:Assertion Error : The saml:Assertion element shall have 2 child elements, meaning exactly one saml:Issuer element (for identifying the home community ID of the Authorization Decision Provider community encoded as a URN) and exactly one saml:Statement element to convey the XACML Policy (-ies) or Policy Sets to be updated Success : The saml:Assertion element shall have 2 child elements, meaning exactly one saml:Issuer element (for identifying the home community ID of the Authorization Decision Provider community encoded as a URN) and exactly one saml:Statement element to convey the XACML Policy (-ies) or Policy Sets to be updated Error : The element saml:Issuer shall contain an attribure named NameQualifier with value equal to urn:e-health-suisse:community-index Success : The element saml:Issuer shall contain an attribure named NameQualifier with value equal to urn:e-health-suisse:community-index Error : The element saml:Issuer shall contain the home community ID of the Authorization Decision Provider community encoded as an URN Success : The element saml:Issuer shall contain the home community ID of the Authorization Decision Provider community encoded as an URN Error : The element saml:Statement shall have either one (or more) non-empty xacml:Policy child element (s) or one (or more) non-empty xacml:PolicySet child element (s) in order to convey the XACML Policy (-ies) or Policy Sets to be updated Success : The element saml:Statement shall have either one (or more) non-empty xacml:Policy child element (s) or one (or more) non-empty xacml:PolicySet child element (s) in order to convey the XACML Policy (-ies) or Policy Sets to be updated Error : The element epr:DeletePolicyRequest shall have exactly one child element named saml:Assertion Success : The element epr:DeletePolicyRequest shall have exactly one child element named saml:Assertion Error : The saml:Assertion element shall have 2 child elements, meaning exactly one saml:Issuer element (for identifying the home community ID of the Authorization Decision Provider community encoded as a URN) and exactly one saml:Statement element to convey the XACML Policy (-ies) or Policy Sets to be deleted Success : The saml:Assertion element shall have 2 child elements, meaning exactly one saml:Issuer element (for identifying the home community ID of the Authorization Decision Provider community encoded as a URN) and exactly one saml:Statement element to convey the XACML Policy (-ies) or Policy Sets to be deleted Error : The element saml:Issuer shall contain an attribure named NameQualifier with value equal to urn:e-health-suisse:community-index Success : The element saml:Issuer shall contain an attribure named NameQualifier with value equal to urn:e-health-suisse:community-index Error : The element saml:Issuer shall contain the home community ID of the Authorization Decision Provider community encoded as an URN Success : The element saml:Issuer shall contain the home community ID of the Authorization Decision Provider community encoded as an URN Error : The Statement child element of the SAML Assertion conveyed within the DeletePolicyRequest's body shall contain a non-empty attribute with name equal to xsi:type and value equal to epd:XACMLPolicySetIdReferenceStatementType Success : The Statement child element of the SAML Assertion conveyed within the DeletePolicyRequest's body shall contain a non-empty attribute with name equal to xsi:type and value equal to epd:XACMLPolicySetIdReferenceStatementType Error : The element saml:Statement shall have one (or more) non-empty PolicySetIdReference child element (s) to convey the XACML Policy (-ies) or Policy Sets to be deleted Success : The element saml:Statement shall have one (or more) non-empty PolicySetIdReference child element (s) to convey the XACML Policy (-ies) or Policy Sets to be deleted Error : The element xacml-samlp:XACMLPolicyQuery shall have a child element named Request, PolicyIdReference or PolicySetIdReference Success : The element xacml-samlp:XACMLPolicyQuery shall have a child element named Request, PolicyIdReference or PolicySetIdReference Error : The Request element shall contain at least 4 child elements (one Subject, one (or more) Resource (s), one Action, one Environment). All of them shall comply to the namespace xmlns:xacml-context="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:context:schema:os" (e.g. xacml-context:Action) Success : The Request element shall contain at least 4 child elements (one Subject, one (or more) Resource (s), one Action, one Environment). All of them shall comply to the namespace xmlns:xacml-context="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:context:schema:os" (e.g. xacml-context:Action) Error : Request element shall contain exactly one child element named Subject Success : Request element shall contain exactly one child element named Subject Error : Request element shall contain one or more child elements named Resource Success : Request element shall contain one or more child elements named Resource Error : Request element shall contain exactly one child element named Action Success : Request element shall contain exactly one child element named Action Error : Request element shall contain exactly one child element named Environment Success : Request element shall contain exactly one child element named Environment Error : The Subject element conveyed under Request shall be empty as it has no PPQ usecase yet Success : The Subject element conveyed under Request shall be empty as it has no PPQ usecase yet Error : The Resource element shall contain exactly one Attribute child element that shall comply to the namespace xmlns:xacml-context="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:context:schema:os" (e.g. xacml-context:Attribute) Success : The Resource element shall contain exactly one Attribute child element that shall comply to the namespace xmlns:xacml-context="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:context:schema:os" (e.g. xacml-context:Attribute) Error : The Resource element shall contain exactly one Attribute child element with AttributeId equal to urn:e-health-suisse:2015:epr-spid Success : The Resource element shall contain exactly one Attribute child element with AttributeId equal to urn:e-health-suisse:2015:epr-spid Error : The DataType of Resource's Attribute child element with AttributeId equal to urn:e-health-suisse:2015:epr-spid shall be considered a II (InstanceIdentifier) and - as a result - set to urn:hl7-org:v3#II Success : The DataType of Resource's Attribute child element with AttributeId equal to urn:e-health-suisse:2015:epr-spid shall be considered a II (InstanceIdentifier) and - as a result - set to urn:hl7-org:v3#II Error : The Resource's Attribute child element with AttributeId equal to urn:e-health-suisse:2015:epr-spid shall convey a non-empty AttributeValue element that shall comply to the namespace xmlns:xacml-context="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:context:schema:os" (e.g. xacml-context:AttributeValue) Success : The Resource's Attribute child element with AttributeId equal to urn:e-health-suisse:2015:epr-spid shall convey a non-empty AttributeValue element that shall comply to the namespace xmlns:xacml-context="urn:oasis:names:tc:xacml:2.0:context:schema:os" (e.g. xacml-context:AttributeValue) Error : The AttributeValue for Resource's Attribute child element with AttributeId equal to urn:e-health-suisse:2015:epr-spid shall convey the patient's national identifier as an hl7:InstanceIdentifier element Success : The AttributeValue for Resource's Attribute child element with AttributeId equal to urn:e-health-suisse:2015:epr-spid shall convey the patient's national identifier as an hl7:InstanceIdentifier element Error : The hl7:CodedValue element conveyed within the AttributeValue of the Resource's Attribute child element with AttributeId equal to urn:e-health-suisse:2015:epr-spid shall contain a non-empty root attribute Success : The hl7:CodedValue element conveyed within the AttributeValue of the Resource's Attribute child element with AttributeId equal to urn:e-health-suisse:2015:epr-spid shall contain a non-empty root attribute Error : The hl7:InstanceIdentifier element conveyed within the AttributeValue of the Resource's Attribute child element with AttributeId equal to urn:e-health-suisse:2015:epr-spid shall contain a non-empty root attribute that follows OID syntax Success : The hl7:InstanceIdentifier element conveyed within the AttributeValue of the Resource's Attribute child element with AttributeId equal to urn:e-health-suisse:2015:epr-spid shall contain a non-empty root attribute that follows OID syntax Error : The hl7:CodedValue element conveyed within the AttributeValue of the Resource's Attribute child element with AttributeId equal to urn:e-health-suisse:2015:epr-spid shall contain a non-empty extension attribute Success : The hl7:CodedValue element conveyed within the AttributeValue of the Resource's Attribute child element with AttributeId equal to urn:e-health-suisse:2015:epr-spid shall contain a non-empty extension attribute Error : The Action element conveyed under Request shall be empty as it has no PPQ usecase yet Success : The Action element conveyed under Request shall be empty as it has no PPQ usecase yet Error : The Environment element conveyed under Request shall be empty as it has no PPQ usecase yet Success : The Environment element conveyed under Request shall be empty as it has no PPQ usecase yet