KISimulator README.TXT file The contents of this directory and its subdirectories form the KISimulator java project. KISimulator is designed to provide a simple foundation class,, and helper classes, which together allow the development of Java IHE Actor simulators which can be controlled by the IHE Gazelle TestManager (TM) and Test Engine (TE) in as simple a manner as possible. Documentation - for the IHE Gazelle project and for the KISimulator and its sister projects, KISimulator Utilities and KISimulators, can be found at the IHE wiki: Javadoc - for the KISimulator family of projects can be found in the javadoc subdirectory when the project is built. Needed software: Java SDK - We used Sun java 1.6.19 Ant - We used 1.8.1 jar files - in the lib subdirectory. Install - the software by unzipping the zip file into a directory Build - the project by entering the command "ant build" in this directory. The command "ant help" will list all the ant targets. Run - The KISimulator project is a foundation, not meant to be run on its own. However it can be run as a skeleton for testing purposes. For instructions on how to run KISimulator from the command line or as an ant task, see the wiki documentation noted above.