KISimulator Utilities README.TXT file The contents of this directory and its subdirectories form the KISimulator Utilities java project. KISimulator is designed to provide a simple foundation class, allowing the the development of Java IHE Actor simulators which can be controlled by the IHE Gazelle TestManager (TM) and Test Engine (TE) in as simple a manner as possible. The classes in this project are helper classes which provide commonly needed functionality integrated into the KISimulator foundation. Documentation - for the IHE Gazelle project and for the KISimulator and its sister projects, KISimulator Utilities and KISimulators, can be found at the IHE wiki: Javadoc - for the KISimulator family of projects can be found in the javadoc subdirectory when the project is built. Needed software: KISimulator project. Java SDK - We used Sun java 1.6.19 Ant - We used 1.8.1 jar files - in the lib subdirectory. Install - the software by unzipping the zip file into a directory Build - the project by entering the command "ant build" in this directory. The command "ant help" will list all the ant targets. Run - The KISimulator Utilities are helper classes which are not run on their own.