Error: The templateId is a child element of organizer/component/observation and identifies a Notifiable Condition. Error: An observation/classCode shall be "COND" for Notifiable Condition. Error: An observation/moodCode shall be "EVN" for Notifiable Condition. Error: The observation/code element shall be present for Notifiable Condition. Error: The observation/code/qualifier element shall be present for Notifiable Condition. Error: The observation/code/qualifier/name element shall be present for Notifiable Condition. Error: The observation/code/qualifier/value element shall be present for Notifiable Condition. Error: The observation/statusCode/@code shall be "completed" or "aborted" for Notifiable Condition. Error: The observation/value element shall be present for Notifiable Condition. Error: The observation/value/@xsi:type shall have the value of "CE" for Notifiable Condition.