Error: The templateId is a child element of organizer and identifies a Laboratory Battery Organizer. Error: An organizer/@classCode shall be "BATTERY" for Laboratory Battery Organizer. Error: An organizer/@moodCode shall be "EVN" for Laboratory Battery Organizer. Error: The organizer/statusCode/@code shall be "completed" or "aborted" for Laboratory Battery Organizer. Error: The specimen/@typeCode shall be "SPC" for Laboratory Battery Organizer. Error: The performer/@typeCode shall be "PRF" for Laboratory Battery Organizer. Error: The author/@typeCode shall be "AUT" for Laboratory Battery Organizer. Error: The participant/@typeCode for shall be "AUTHEN", "RESP" or "DEV" for Laboratory Battery Organizer. Error: The component/@typeCode for shall be "COMP" for Laboratory Battery Organizer.