Error: The templateId child element of observation and identifies a Laboratory Observation. This records a single laboratory observation as standalone or part of a battery. Error: An observation/@classCode shall be "OBS" for Laboratory Observation. Error: An observation/@moodCode shall be "EVN" for Laboratory Observation. Error: The observation/statusCode/@code shall be "completed" or "aborted" for Laboratory Observation. Error: The specimen/@typeCode shall be "SPC" for Laboratory Observation. Error: The performer/@typeCode shall be "PRF" for Laboratory Observation. Error: The author/@typeCode shall be "AUT" for Laboratory Observation. Error: The participant/@typeCode for shall be "AUTHEN", "RESP" or "DEV" for Laboratory Observation. Error: The entryRelationship/@typeCode shall be "REFR" for Laboratory Observation. Error: The entryRelationship/observation/@classCode shall be "OBS" for Laboratory Observation. Error: The entryRelationship/observation/@moodCode shall be "EVN" for Laboratory Observation. Error: The entryRelationship/observation/referenceRange/@typeCode shall be "REFV"for Laboratory Observation. The entryRelationship/observation/referenceRange/observationRange/@typeCode shall be "OBS" for Laboratory Observation. The entryRelationship/observation/referenceRange/observationRange/@moodCode shall be "EVN.CRT" for Laboratory Observation. The entryRelationship/observation/referenceRange/observationRange/interpretationCode shall be present for Laboratory Observation.