Error: The ClinicalDocument/realmCode element shall be present and is valued from the RealmOfUse 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.11050 subset, within the VocabularyDomainQualifier value set.
Error: The ClinicalDocument/typeId/@extension shall equal "POCD_HD000040" (which is the unique identifier for the CDA, Release Two Hierarchical Description.
Error: The templateId element shall be present with a root attribute equal to "".
Error: The ClinicalDocument/code/@codeSystem shall be 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 with the @codeSystemName equal to LOINC.
The @code values shall be one of the following:
"11502-2", "18717-9","18718-7", "18719-5",
"18720-3", "18721-1", "18722-9", "18723-7",
"18724-5", "18725-2", "18727-8", "18728-6",
"18729-4", "18767-4", "18768-2", "18769-0",
"26435-8", "26436-6", "26437-4", "26438-2".
Error: The ClinicalDocument/effectiveTime element shall be present.
Error: The ClinicalDocument/languageCode element shall be present.
Error: The ClinicalDocument/setId element shall be present.
Error: The recordTarget/patientRole shall have an address.
Error: The recordTarget/patientRole shall have a telecom.
Error: The recordTarget/patientRole/patient element shall have a name.
Error: The recordTarget/patientRole/patient/adminstrativeGenderCode element shall be present.
Error: The recordTarget/patientRole/patient/birthTime element shall be present.
Error: A ClinicalDocument/author shall be present.
The ClinicalDocument/author/time element shall be present
Error: An assignedAuthor element shall contain at least one assignedPerson or assignedAuthoringDevice element.
Error: The author/assignedAuthor/addr element shall be present.
Error: The author/assignedAuthor/telecom element shall be present.
Error: The author/assignedAuthor/assignedPerson shall have a name element or author/assignedAuthor/assignedAuthoringDevice shall have a softwareName element.
Error: A ClinicalDocument/custodian shall be present.
Error: custodian/assignedCustodian/representedCustodianOrganization/id element shall be present.
Error: The custodian/assignedCustodian/representedCustodianOrganization/address element shall be present.
Error: The custodian/assignedCustodian/representedCustodianOrganization/telecom element shall be present.
Error: A custodian/assignedCustodian/representedCustodianOrganization/name element shall be present.
Error: The legalAuthenticator/signatureCode carries the signed "S" status.
Error: The legalAuthenticator/assignedEntity shall have an address.
Error: The legalAuthenticator/assignedEntity shall have a telecom.
Error: A legalAuthenticator/assignedEntity/assignedPerson should have a non-blank name element.
Error: the serviceEvent/statusCode code shall be "completed" or "active".
Error: The typeCode for relatedDocument shall be "RPLC" for an update to a previous report and the parentDocument element shall be present. The new report replaces the parent one.
Error: The id for componentOf/encompassingEncounter shall be present.
Error: The effectiveTime for componentOf/encompassingEncounter shall be present.
Error: The component/structuredBody element shall be present.
Error: The section/templateId/@root="" is required.
Warning: The recordTarget/templateId="" identifies a non-human subject of laboratory testing. It shall be present if known.
Warning: The recordTarget/templateId="" identifies a human patient directly impacted by a non-human subject of laboratory testing. It shall be present if known.
Warning: A recordTarget/patientRole should identify a patient.
Warning: recordTarget/patientRole/patient/birthTime should have a non-blank value or nullFlavor.
Warning: A recordTarget/patientRole should have a non-blank addr element or nullFlavor.
Warning: A recordTarget/patientRole/telecom/@value should have a non-blank value or nullFlavor.
Warning: A recordTarget/patientRole/patient should have a non-blank name element or nullFlavor.
Warning: A author/assignedAuthor should have a non-blank addr element or nullFlavor.
Warning: A author/assignedAuthor/telecom/@value should have a non-blank value or nullFlavor.
Warning: A non-blank name element or nullFlavor should be present for author/assignedAuthor/assignedPerson or a non-blank softwareName or nullFlavor should be present for author/assignedAuthor/assignedAuthoringDevice.
Warning: A custodian/assignedCustodian/representedCustodianOrganization should have a non-blank addr element or nullFlavor.
Warning: A custodian/assignedCustodian/representedCustodianOrganization/telecom/@value should have a non-blank value or nullFlavor.
Warning: A custodian/assignedCustodian/representedCustodianOrganization should have a non-blank name element or nullFlavor.
Warning: A legalAuthenticator/assignedEntity should have a non-blank addr element or nullFlavor.
Warning: A legalAuthenticator/assignedEntity/telecom/@value should have a non-blank value or nullFlavor.
Warning: A legalAuthenticator/assignedEntity/assignedPerson should have a non-blank name element or nullFlavor.
Warning: A documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/time/low element used to represent a time interval should have a value.
Warning: A documentationOf/serviceEvent/performer/time/high element used to represent a time interval should have a value.
Warning: A documentOf/serviceEvent/performer/assignedEntity should have a non-blank addr element or nullFlavor.
Warning: A documentOf/serviceEvent/performer/assignedEntity/telecom/@value should have a non-blank value or nullFlavor.
Warning: A documentOf/serviceEvent/performer/assignedEntity/assignedPerson should have a non-blank name element or nullFlavor.
Warning: A componentOf/encompassingEncounter/effectiveTime/low element used to represent a time interval should have a value.
Warning: A componentOf/encompassingEncounter/effectiveTime/high element used to represent a time interval should have a value.