IHE Demographic Data Server : Webservices
The WSDL file describing the web service is
here. You can also download an example
of a project soapUI that use
These methods from here.
Functionalities of DDS can be used by web
services methods. In fact, DDS implement 7
methods on web service :
returnAddress : generate random
address from the country code
returnAddressByCoordinates :
generate a specific address from country
code and coordinates
returnAddressBtTown : generate a
specific address from a town
returnHL7Message : generate HL7
message on format XML from a country code
returnPatient : generate a patient
from a country code. We can restrict
generation on same persons by specifying
attributes like the gender, or on specifying
a nearby name or a part of the name
returPerson : generate a person
without address, using the same attributes
of generation of a patient
sendHL7Message : generate and send
a HL7 message to a target host and port.
Static WS Client for DDS
We have implemented a Static WSClient for DDS.
This related jar is easy to use. You have only to
add the jar file to the project, and use it.
The jar file is downloadable
here. The documentation of classes on this
jar is