PDS Simulator is a tool to replace the Patient Demographic Supplier on a test instance.
This tool can participate as a responder in many tests, like PDQ_Exact_Name test.
PDS Simulator has a GUI that helps to configure and manage this simulator. We can specify patients
in the database of this PDS Simulator. We can add manually patients, or we can use the Demographic
Data Sever to generate patients and save them on the database.
The GUI of the PDS Simulator let to view all query received from consumers and all HL7 responses
of the simulator.
PDS Simulator can interact with gazelle using web service methods.
This figure represents steps needed using web service methods of PDS Simulator to launch a test with a system consumer:
You can download PDS Simulator from the forge of the INRIA. You have to download the project GS-Common too. The links to sources are https://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/gazelle/branches/simulators/PDQPDSSimulator and https://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/gazelle/branches/simulators/GSCommon-ejb. To install PDS Simulator, you should download openempi from here. You should have two jboss: jboss-4.0.5.GA and jboss-5.1.0.GA.
First you have to install openempi on jboss-4.0.5.GA. You create a database on postgreSQL named openempi. Then you have to launch the sql script named ICS_schema_create-postgres.sql, that you download with the openempi zip file. You copy then the ear of openempi to the deploy folder of jboss-4.0.5. The last thing that you need to do is copy the two OpenEMPI files ICS.properties and IcsSql.xml from the dist/conf directory to the root directory of the jboss-4.0.5. Then you launch this jboss using ports-01 as ServiceBindingManager on the configuration file jboss-service.xml.
You have first to create a database on postgreSQL named pdq-pds-simulator. Then you add the ear of PDS Simulator to the deploy folder of jboss-5.1.0.GA.
The documentation of the PDS Simulator is available here.