Gazelle Components

Gazelle Master Model (GMM)

The gazelle master model manages the sharing of the model information to be used by the different Gazelle tools instances. Product Registry, Gazelle Test Management instance can get updates of the IHE model or newly added tests from the Gazelle Master Model component.

Gazelle Test Management (TM)

Users Management (available, used in Vienna)

Module for the management of gazelle users and their roles. Handles the users account management : registration, lost password, user information update. Handles the management of the roles of the users.

Users are associated to a companies.

Contacts Management (available, used in Vienna)

Management of the contacts for a participating companies. Mainly useful for the Connectathon project manager. Allows the participating companies to enter contacts within Gazelle. Contacts are mainly used for administrative purposes. Specially, to inform who is the financial contact, the contact for marketing questions...

Contacts do not need to have a login.

Companies Management (available, used in Vienna)

Management of company relative information. This information is mainly for the purpose of the connectathon management. Users, Contacts and Systems belongs to a company. The module allows the management of the information about the company : Address, Contacts, VAT information,...

Contract management (available, used in Vienna)

Component that manages the creation of the contract for testing session participants. Summarize the registration of the participants and create a pdf document based on a template that can be customized for each session.

Fees management (available, used in Vienna)

Component for the management of invoice (generation of the invoice, based on a template) and estimation of the amount of the fees to be gathered for an event based on participation. Helpful for connectathon management.

Systems management (available, used in Vienna)

Module for the management of Systems Under Tests (SUT). Manages the registration of the SUT for a testing session. What are the actors, integration profiles and options supported by each SUT. Allow participants to copy system characteristics from one testing session to the other.

Contains a rules engine that checks if the system correctly implements the IHE requirements of dependencies among the actors and profiles.

Tests management (available, under test, first used planned for Bordeaux)

Modules for the definition of the tests. Test requirements per Actor/Profile/Options. Test script definition : Who are the participants ? What are the instructions for the participants ? What are the steps required to perform the test ?

Proxy management (planned for Bordeaux)

Interation with the Proxy component. Control of the proxy, instruct the proxy of the interfaces to open and close.

Simulator management (planned for Bordeaux)

Component for the declaration and the management of the simulators that Gazelle uses to perform the tests.

Configuration management (used in Vienna, improved for Bordeaux)

Management of the configuration of the systems and simulators performing together in a testing session. Knowing that most of the time spend during testing is lost during exchange of configuration parameters, it is essential that Gazelle allows the test participants to correctly and rapidly share configuration informations. That component allows the user to provide the information relative to their own systems. It also allow the test participants to rapidly find the relevant information about their peers in a test.

Monitor management (available, first used in Bordeaux)

Management of the monitors. Monitors are the independent and neutral individuals that check and validate the test performed during a testing session.

The component allows the Technical Manager to assign tests to specific monitors. It allows the manager to split the load of test verification among the monitors.

Samples sharing management (used for Bordeaux preparation)

Module for sharing samples. This component allows registered system to share and find samples. Some system need to provide samples, some need to render them. The component allows the participants to easily find the samples relevant for their systems. The sample sharing module is link to External Validation Services for checking the conformity of the shared samples. The component makes also use of internal validation services

When relevant, the component module allows sample creators to provide a screen capture of the rendering of their samples. It also allows sample readers to provide a screen capture of the rendering of the sample on their system.

Pre-connectathon Test management (available, used in Vienna)

Allows managers to define the pre-connectathon test : Where to find the tool ? Where to find the documentation ? What actors/profile/options are concerned by the test.

Allows engineers to find out what pre-connectathon tests they have to perform. Allows them to return logs and view result of logs grading.

Pre-connectathon test grading (available, used in Vienna)

Allows the connectathon participants to find out what tests their system need to perform.

Allows the users to also return their logs. Automatic evaluation of the log is performed automatically when available.

Connectathon Test Management (under test, first used in Bordeaux)

Allows the managers to define the tests.

  • What is the purpose of the test ? (assertion tested)
  • What actors/profile/options are concerned by the test ? (test participants including the cardinality for each participants)
  • The scenario of the test (sequence diagram of the interactions between the participants to the test), including the definition of what need to be checked at each step.
  • How many instances of the test are required for a SUT to be declared as successfull to the test.

Allows engineers to find out what test need to be performed by their systems.

Allows engineers to start a test and select its participants (peer system under test or simulators)

Connectathon Test Grading (under test, first used in Vienna, improved since)

Module to allow the grading of systems participation during the connectathon. Allows the project managers to review test performed a determine success or not of a system to the participation of a specific actor / integration profile / option combination.

Patient Demographics for Test Purposes

Module for sharing patients among the participants to a test instance. The module allow generation of simulated patient data using the Demographic Data Server. Generated patient data can be send to a selection of test participants using HL7 V2 or HL7 V3 messages.

Selection of the target is done based on systems configuration as declared in Gazelle. Target can be also configured manually.

Generated patient are assigned a unique id in the various patient identification domains of the target systems.

Stored data information will be used for validation of messages exchange by test instance participants.

Test Engine (under test, to be used in Bordeaux 2010)

Modules that manages the choreography of a test. The component is based on BPEL.

Test Engine can be turned off for non managed test (SUT to SUT). However when an SUT is tested against a simulator, the Test Engine controls the choreography of the test.

Proxy (under developpement, to be first used in Bordeaux 2010)

The proxy allows the capture of the messages exchanged by the participants to a test instance. The captured messages are stored in the proxy. The Gazelle Control Module allow the user to associate capture messages with corresponding test instance for message validation in the context of the instance.


Generic Simulator (available since January 2010)

Creation of a generic component to be used as a basis of all simulators.

Simulators for the PIX profile (planned for Bordeaux 2010)

Bordeaux Gazelle release will contain simualors for the 3 actors of the PIX profile.

Simulators for the PDQ profile (Bordeaux 2010)

Bordeaux Gazelle release contains simualors for the 2 actors of the PDQ profile.

Demographic Data Server (V1 available, to be used by simulators)

This tool provide simulated demographic data to be used during test session. The tool allow test scenario to use realistic data sets. Patient can have names, lastnames and addresses that looks like real.

The tools supports generation of data in different locales : names and lastnames in the context of different countries. Addresses with valid zip codes, and finally support of different character sets.

External Validation Services

HL7 (available, used in 2009 Vienna and Chicago)

Two services have been defined: one by the NIST and one by INRIA. They both use HL7 Message Profiles. More that 140 HL7 message profiles have been written and are available for download from the INRIA Forge

Dicom (available, used in 2009 Vienna and Chicago)

Two services available. One based on DVTK and one based on Dave Clunie's tool, dciodvfy.

CDA (available, used in 2009 Vienna and Chicago)

Service available through the NIST Server

EVS Client GUI (rewrite in progress)

GUI to access the different EVS available. The Tool is currently rewritten to take into account problem of using the tool behind firewalls. The new version will access the content of the TF through webservices instead of using the JNDI method access.

The tool is re-writen using Webservices to access the TF data. Choice of WS will garantee better interoperability behind firewals