Active Projects

Test Management (TM)

Master Model (GMM)

Demographic Data Server (DDS)

This tool provide simulated demographic data to be used during test session. The tool allow test scenario to use realistic data sets. Patient can have names, lastnames and addresses that looks like real.

The tools supports generation of data in different locales : names and lastnames in the context of different countries. Addresses with valid zip codes, and finally support of different character sets.

Proxy (PROXY)

The proxy allows the capture of the messages exchanged by the participants to a test instance. The captured messages are stored in the proxy. The Gazelle Control Module allow the user to associate capture messages with corresponding test instance for message validation in the context of the instance.

External Validation Service (EVS)

HL7 (available, used in 2009 Vienna and Chicago)

Two services have been defined: one by the NIST and one by INRIA. They both use HL7 Message Profiles. More that 140 HL7 message profiles have been written and are available for download from the INRIA Forge

Dicom (available, used in 2009 Vienna and Chicago)

Two services available. One based on DVTK and one based on Dave Clunie's tool, dciodvfy.

CDA (available, used in 2009 Vienna and Chicago)

Service available through the NIST Server

EVS Client GUI (rewrite in progress)

GUI to access the different EVS available. The Tool is currently rewritten to take into account problem of using the tool behind firewalls. The new version will access the content of the TF through webservices instead of using the JNDI method access.

The tool is re-writen using Webservices to access the TF data. Choice of WS will garantee better interoperability behind firewals

HL7 Message Profile Repository

HL7 Message Validation Service