Interface Hl7GazelleMessageValidationInterface

public interface Hl7GazelleMessageValidationInterface

Gazelle Implementation

Robert Snelick (NIST)

Method Summary
 void clearResultsCache()
          The web service will cache the Summary and Detailed results.
 java.lang.String getDetailedResults(java.lang.String objectOID)
          This method is used to return the Detailed validation results.
 java.lang.String getSummaryResults(java.lang.String objectOID)
          This method is used to return the Summary validation results.
 java.lang.String getValidationServiceStatus()
          This method is used to return the status of the external validation web service.
 java.lang.String validateMessage(java.lang.String objectOID, java.lang.String xmlReferencedStandard, java.lang.String xmlValidationContext, java.lang.String xmlMessageMetaData, java.lang.String xmlMessage)
          This method is used to validate a message

Method Detail


java.lang.String validateMessage(java.lang.String objectOID,
                                 java.lang.String xmlReferencedStandard,
                                 java.lang.String xmlValidationContext,
                                 java.lang.String xmlMessageMetaData,
                                 java.lang.String xmlMessage)
This method is used to validate a message

objectOID - unique identifier for the object being validated
xmlReferencedStandard - The Referenced Standard defines which protocol the xmlMessage or ER7Message represents and the Standard expected to be supported by the EVS.
xmlValidationContext - The Validation Context is used to initialize the EVS or prime it
xmlMessageMetaData - The MessageMetaData is Standard specific meta data about the message being validated.
xmlMessage - The message is the XML/ER7 representation of the message to be validated. This will be Standard specific.
xmlResultsOverview The following information should be provided by the EVS in the- overview results: Validation Object GUID – unique identifier for the object being validated Referenced Standard – copied from the Validate Message call Validation Service Name – the validation service name (web service name) Validation Service Software Version Validation Service Status Validation Date Validation Time Validation Test Id – test identifier defined by the validation service Validation Test Result – simple validation result indicating PASSED or FAILED status.


java.lang.String getSummaryResults(java.lang.String objectOID)
This method is used to return the Summary validation results.

objectGuid - unique identifier for the object being validated
xmlSummaryResults provides a list of all the Error, Warning and Condition Message Level issues encountered by the EVS when validating the message.


java.lang.String getDetailedResults(java.lang.String objectOID)
This method is used to return the Detailed validation results.

objectGuid - unique identifier for the object being validated
xmlDetailedResults It is expected that the detailed results will provide a full validation result, meaning that parts of the message to be validated, that pass the validation algorithm will be included in the results stream as well as those which fail the validation algorithm. The detailed results consist of the following sections: Validation results overview Detailed validation results for the validated message Validation counters. The EVS implementation can/will provide an XLT stylesheet to allow display of the XML detailed results returned.


void clearResultsCache()
The web service will cache the Summary and Detailed results. This method is used to clear the web service results cache. Any calls to the GetSummaryResults( ) and GetDetailedResults( ) methods made immediately after this call would return an empty string.


java.lang.String getValidationServiceStatus()
This method is used to return the status of the external validation web service.
